Jesus, mental illness, and light in the darkness

The Reverend Jamie Evans

The Reverend Jamie Evans

Here's a link to my sermon from last Sunday.  The text was Luke 13.31-35---Jesus facing death threats and unflinchingly pointing to his suffering and coming death. The sermon's a protest against the powers of death particularly in light of my dear friend's recent and sudden death (Jamie Evans, left).  It also addresses the ongoing and disastrous stigma of mental illness and depression, the importance of self-care, communal support for those struggling with mental illness (at whatever level), and challenges dangerous misunderstandings of God's treatment of those whose pain drives them toward suicide.

You can find and download the PDF version of the message by clicking here.  

You can also download the sermon Jamie and I preached side-by-side on "The Grace and Art of Friendship," March 22, 2009--click here. (update, June 2016: I'm sorry that this link to the sermon preached at First Presbyterian Church where Jamie served as senior pastor no longer exists)