
People come to see me often carrying heavy burdens, frightening breeches in their self-confidence, debilitating brokenness. Early on, I thought my job was to fix them . . . of course, always with God's help. As I've aged, I've come to realize that while they want relief, I can't fix them. What's more, they don't want me to fix them. They want the dignity of fixing themselves . . . with God's help. What they need from me is a listening ear, a prayerful, sensitive heart, a mind alert to what's going on that they can't see. What they need is my blessing for the journey that must walk.

When it comes to that point in our relationship when the need for blessing opens up before us, I often open the Scriptures to the prophet Isaiah and read, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you," says GOD. "When you walk through the fire, the flame shall not consume you. You are precious to me, and honored, and I love you. Do not be afraid for I am with you" (43.2-5).

There is power in presence. Be a presence that blesses others today. Receive the blessing of another's presence today.

Intention: Today, I will embrace the presence of the One who loves me and walks with me. And when I meet someone in crisis or pain, I'll bless them with my presence and will avoid trying to fix them.