
Along this narrow way Jesus said the gate is wide and the way easy that leads to trouble. Most people take it—some willingly, others because they don’t know there’s an option. But the gate is narrow and the road hard that leads to life, and few find it (Matthew 7.13-14).

You know the way—that you’ve risen today to pray is evidence that you’ve chosen to walk through that narrow gate. It is the gate of faith, the interior path of union with Jesus in the Spirit.

That’s all you are to do: walk through the gate into Christ Jesus. Once inside, Christ will guide you along the path. It’s not up to you to determine the path, the scenery, or the speed you travel. Just walk, blindly trusting Jesus to guide you along the way. This is, after all, a path of darkness not light.

Of course, that will bewilder you. Isn’t Jesus the light? Shouldn’t this be easier than it is? Yes, he is the light, but he’s the light within you, and that light makes everything outside you dark. It’s like you’re carrying a lantern through the woods at night. Beyond the circle of light, all is dark, impenetrable to the eye. So, on this path you are blind to all but the light. What’s worked for you in the past—your senses, your experience, your intelligence—won’t work on this path that carries you into the kingdom within. You have only the light of faith. And you must learn to trust it. That’s why this path is hard. But when you’ve learned to let everything else go to gain a simple heart, a tamed ego, and a serene mind, your travel along this inner way will become nearly effortless. You become a simple, easy-going soul—no longer caring where you’re going, trusting your Guide to lead you around the potholes and ditches, and past the wild beasts. You let your love for Christ carry you blindly, trustingly wherever he leads.

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