
It's so terribly alluring to look at life negatively--that is, from the perspective of what's missing, what you lack, what you think you need in order to be happy. And there's an unfortunate religious viewpoint that reinforces this pessimism. Somehow we assume that since we're sinners we ought to be miserable people, awaiting the happiness that will come to us in the next life. But Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly" (John 10.10)--that means he intends us to embrace the abundance of goodness coming to us now.

It takes very little faith to view life negatively, to lament all that you don't have but think you need. But it takes great faith to embrace the good news that GOD desires, really desires, for each of us to be happy.

Intention: Today, I'll frequently re-adjust my viewpoint and recall that I'm the happy recipient of the goodness of GOD.